Huggies DryNites
Problem: The toughest segment for Huggies to maintain in terms of brand loyalty and engagement are the four to six year olds, who are generally in the midst of learning to toilet train. With instructional videos on youtube and at home remedies for toilet training gaining in popularity, sales of Huggies DryNites were down year on year.
Insight: One of the first triggers of social anxiety amongst young children is bed wetting.
Strategy: Show that Huggies DryNites can take the stress out of toilet training, allowing kids to focus on being kids.
Idea: Dream maker - by inverting the problem of bed wetting we want to hero the incredible imagination of children, by allowing kids to dream big throughout the night. We wanted to literally bring those dreams to life with a social competition where children submit drawings of the creatures in their dreams and the best pictures are turned into toys for them to cherish.
Results: Thousands of dreams were uploaded, and some of the drawings were transformed into unique plush toys that were delivered to the children who dreamt them – transforming our product benefit into something that children would treasure forever.
Awards: This campaign received a finalist at both the ADMA Creative and Effectiveness Awards and the APAC Effie Awards.